As the year draws to an end and the long winter nights draw in, members of Burnley Film Makers have been submitting their films for this years annual newsreel. The newsreel is now almost complete apart from one or two late pieces that need editing before the final cut goes 'in the can'. This year has been one of the busiest on record for Burnley Film Makers and the newsreel is our showcase that generations to come can look back on to see what we were all doing in the year 2023 in Burnley and the surrounding area.
The screening of Newsreel 23’ which features events, celebrations and the people who made the headlines in our local area during the year, takes place on Wednesday 29 November at Higham Village Hall, starting at 7:30pm. Tickets for this popular event are now on sale for the price of £6 each which includes a pie and pea supper and a hot drink.
You can book these through a club member, or you can book your tickets through the club website by leaving your mobile phone number and your email address along with how many tickets you want via the Contact Page on our website at www.burnleyfilmmakers.organd we will reply to your note.
Admission is by ticket only and these must be secured by the 22nd of November so we know the numbers for our caterer. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Many thanks and best wishes. Mike Smith, Communications Secretary, Burnley Film Makers.
